Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Attempting to post the night before prelims.

05/5 - THURSDAY :     English Paper 1

06/5 - FRIDAY :           Social Studies, Higher Chinese / Chinese Paper 1

07/5 - SATURDAY : -na-

08/5 - SUNDAY : -na-

09/5 - MONDAY : -na-

10/5 - TUESDAY :        English Paper 2, Geography Paper 1

11/5 - WEDNESDAY : Emath Paper 2. Higher Chinese / Chinese Paper 2

12/5 - THURSDAY :     Chemistry, E. Literature

13/5 - FRIDAY :           Amath Paper 2

14/5 - SATUDAY: -na-

15/5 - SUNDAY : -na-

16/5 - MONDAY :        Geography Paper 2, Biology Core, Music Practical

17/5 - TUESDAY : -na-

18/5 - WEDNESDAY : Amath Paper 1, Physics Core

19/5 - THURSDAY :     Emath Paper 1, Music Theory / Art Exam

Good luck to everyone! That covers two and a half weeks. :)


Friday, April 22, 2011

Smile, you're too awesome to frown.

Anywayz, stuff not to forget.
1. English narrative due Monday
2. Amath test Tuesday: Mod & Coord.G
3. Amath test Friday: Deriving Trig Functions & Exp + Log Functions
4. Chem test (uh I don't know what day): Electrolysis & Energy Changes
5. Any tests/homework the Bio/Geog/CL people have
6. American Idol, Channel 5, Thurs and Friday 10pm

James Durbin all the way! :D

- Z

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Ballad of Mona Lisa

"It's a nice song, but the lyrics are rubbish.
What do you mean you 'think you wanna marry me?'
I throw my shoe at you first ah!"
- Mrs Sng

Crazy lardtards queueing for a dumb bowl of noodles

And here's my dumb bowl of noodles

Denise: "We all look like cocker spaniels"

That's what you get for camwhoring with my phone, woman

The guys playing Pass the Chawit


- Z

Friday, April 15, 2011

Class blog revived.

I expect quite a few people not suited to this kind of template and stuff so feel free to give feedback! We can just keep changing. You can ask to be author if you want too.
